Welcome to Le Karma

Discover contemporary artworks in a luxurious and intimate ambiance accessible by AR/VR on the metaverse.

First of all

Virtual Gallery Tours

Step inside our art gallery from anywhere in the world using our AR/VR technology and experience a truly immersive tour of our exhibitions.

Not to mention

Online Store

Shop for unique and original contemporary artworks from our online store. Our expert team can assist you in selecting the perfect piece for your collection.

And let's not forget

Original NFT Collection

Schedule a private appointment with our art consultants to discuss your art collecting goals and discover the latest trends and talents in contemporary art.

About us

Le Karma is a modern art gallery located in a stunning property on the shores of Leman Lake. We showcase contemporary artworks in a luxurious and intimate ambiance accessible by AR/VR technology. Our team of art consultants is dedicated to providing expert guidance and exceptional customer service to collectors and enthusiasts alike.

Visit us today and discover the world of contemporary art at Le Karma.

Get in touch